Season 3 of ITV‘s The Masked Singer is back on screens again, sparking our curiosity and keeping everyone guessing at which celebrity is behind the mask! We had a great time designing and creating the costumes again this year. As Tim our Director said “All the costumes are handmade over several weeks. There’s nothing off the shelves and we have whole teams making the designs come to life. I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved this year.” Designing the costumes is done primarily by Tim our Director. However this year he had a little help form his 11 year old son Ted. Robobunny was an idea that Ted had for some time, however it never quite fitted with any of the celebrities – until this season. As Tim mentioned, creating each of the costumes for this season took our team of makers many weeks. Numerous hours were spent sculpting the masks, pattern cutting and fitting costumes, hand sewing sequins, applying crystals, painting and art-working, and wiring the electronics to make the celebrities sparkle and shine. And there is still a lot of fine-tuning once the crew and costumes get to set. Making sure the celebrity is completely at east in their costumes is important, and the crew go to great lengths to achieve this. Heat was an issue again this year, especially for Doughnuts. Wearing that costume is like wearing a sofa. So to keep the celebrity cool between takes, our crew inserted ice packs between each of the doughnut rings. Keeping hydrated can also be a problem for the celebrities when wearing such large masks. Hence our crew hand-crafted extra long straws to enable the celebrities to drink with ease. Now that Season 3 is fully underway, we thought we would share with you some fun facts about the costumes: Number of workshop crew/makers: 20 Number of hours spent creating the costumes: 3,956 Number of sequins used throughout: 375,000 Number of metres of thread used throughout: 4,500 kms Number of crystals used throughout: 1,296 Number of initial designs from which to whittle down to the final 12: 65 Number of packs of biscuits the crew ate through whilst making: 86 Number of cups of tea the crew drank whilst making: 1,484 Number of metres of tulle netting in the Poodle costume: 144 Number of crystals in the Chandelier costume: 8,900 Number of safety pins used in the Rockhopper costume: 440 To read interviews with our Director and Designer Tim Simpson, follow the links below: The Mirror The Daily Star To find out more about the Masked Singer Season 3, follow the link. Finished costumes photo credits: Beth Steddon Photography & Justine Desmond Photography.