
  • Cat Sims

Cover artwork and gate-fold glossary illustration for Jacobin's latest issue - 'Breaking Bank'. This edition looks back at the financial crisis of 2008 to find out what went wrong, what we can learn from it. and why things are still looking pretty awful. I have, which will surprise you not a little, been speculating — partly in American funds, but more especially in English stocks, which are springing up like mushrooms this year (in furtherance of every imaginable and unimaginable joint stock enterprise), are forced up to quite an unreasonable level and then, for the most part, collapse. In this way, I have made over £400 and, now that the complexity of the political situation affords greater scope, I shall begin all over again. It’s a type of operation that makes demands on one’s time, and it’s worth while running some risk in order to relieve the enemy of his money. — Karl Marx writing to Lion Philips, 1864
