Jain Living

  • Aastha Mehta

‘Jainism is the art of seeing, art of living, art of leaving, art of loving.’ – Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai Jhaveri Today Jainism is believed to be among the smallest of the major world religions. Founded by Lord Mahavira in the 6th century B.C., Jainism dwells on meditation, the sanctity of life and non-violence and propagates basic life principal in all objects (Jeffrey Hays, 2011). A religion this old and yet there were no visual aids recorded to help others understand it. As a practising Jain myself, from a philosophical standpoint, I believe Jainism is a way of seeing, a way of living. Every image, object, word and action elicits an experience that prompts inquiry into the true nature or form of things, of the self. Jain Living is my post graduate project that introduces the principles of Jainism – unfolding the secrets to the art of living each day.

The product, a series of 4 typographic zine posters, each representing the four principles of Jainism –
Ahimsa (non–violence), Karma (cause and effect), Aparigraha (non–possession) and Anekantavada
Posters unfolded.
The posters were paired with a postcard to promote mental wellness. Each contained an activity, in context to the four principles, that helped one reflect upon one’s self.
Each set of zine poster and postcard came neatly packed in a hand stitched package that could fit in the post!