Jamie Reid at Humber Street Gallery- Press Campaign

  • Hope Butler

As part of the press campaign for Jamie Reid's solo show at Humber Street Gallery, in Hull, I secured a number of key interviews, both in national publications and specialist sites. Alongside a national cover and interview for The Big Issue, I helped pitch and manage key interviews with Aiga Eye on Design and Independent. This was particularly tricky as Jamie was located in Liverpool, and times for interview had to be organised to accomodate his needs, and that of the client, Humber Street Gallery. Some of the pieces that I set up can be read at: https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/seminal-punk-designer-jamie-reid-on-politics-pussy-riot-practical-magic/ and https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/jamie-reid-sex-pistols-album-covers-british-punk-agit-pop-pussy-riot-political-art-a8595921.html