Kings Of Our Own Right (Short Documentary)

  • Milla Lewis
  • Sabrina Jones

An annual gypsy fair faces an unclear future as an oppressive new bill threatens to eradicate nomadic living.

For one week of the year, in the depths of Cumbria, a small town is transformed by the largest gathering of Romas, Gypsies and Travellers in Europe. Appleby is consumed by the fair; where since 1775 horses are exchanged, fortunes told, and loved ones reunited. In 2021, the Home Secretary drafted the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which threatens to persecute Gypsies, Romas and Travellers for their nomadic culture. This short film captures Appleby Horse Fair on the eve of the implementation of this new legislation. Taking on a non-linear narrative, this immersive picture of Appleby Horse Fair is a portrait of a community and culture in flux, united in their profound connection to the fair and kinship with their community.