Labored breath : HOHEUP GOLAN mask

  • Harry Jinwook Seong

Air pollution occurs a variety of issues. This project is developed from an air pollution issue between China & Korea. Because of fine dust’s movement via Earth’s air circulation which causes unintended air pollution, there are environmental and political conflict happening between those two countries. One of the most interesting points was that there are not many protests happening even the fine dust level is not acceptable anymore. I thought the reason is that many people don’t realise air pollution is the same phenomenon as a streak of smoke floating around in a room but in an extremely bigger and dangerous scale of planet unit. Therefore, people are not intrigued to set protest much. From this tendency, I could think of a decorative mask that can represent people’s support intention on fine dust reduction and settlement of issues around it by just simply wearing it in daily life. For further result, I wish this mask can raise awareness of fine dust’s effect to those who are ignorant to world’s air pollution status and take a step of resolution.

Project “Labored Breath” presents HOHEUP GOLAN (Korean pronounciation of 'labored breath') mask. The decorative mask, which can be wore on any mask, is in shape of hand covering wearer’s face which reflects people who are exposed to fine dust whether they intended or not trying to avoid it. By wearing this mask in daily use, you are participating and supporting the world’s air pollution reduction and settlement of issues around it.
Fine dust is extremely tiny particles in size of less than 10 microns (PM/μm). Fine dust mainly contains ion, carbon and heavy metal compounds and these matters occur many health problems in human body typically in respiratory. Because fine dust is so small, it is not filtered with an ordinary disposable mask but special respirator mask.