(Personal work) " No part of the world possesses so many charms for the contemplative mind as the admirable scenery of our English Lake District " Lorenzo Tuvar, Tales and Legends of the English Lakes, 1852 Located in northwest England, the Lake District is a mountainous area, whose valleys have been modelled by glaciers in the Ice Age. It has been shaped by an agro-pastoral land-use system characterized by wall-enclosed fields. The combined work of nature and human activity has produced there a harmonious landscape in which the mountains are mirrored in the lakes. People come to the Lake district to experience natural beauty, or more precisely, a beauty that Man has also contributed to, with picturesque packhorse bridges, tiny churches, stones cottages, and luscious gardens. It has been for me a great pleasure to walk and discover this Eden. One thing for sure, I'll go back. This serie is an extract of a bigger gallery. More images and prints on my website: http://www.nicolashodee.com/photo/lake-district/