Landing Page for Project Management Short Courses - UoW

  • Elizaveta Kolesnikova
The target was to increase sales of few short courses, as well as to raise awareness about the new courses in the field, recently launched by the University. With prior research, I developed the structure for future landing page, decided on necessary sections and subsections, created the copy, and worked through designing stage and the launch process with outsorced web-development agency to create the page you can see below.
The idea was that it's far more important to explain to our potential clients why it's important to attend the course and which benefits they will gain from studying one or another PM way as well as to draw clear difference between the courses on proposition and show, how they can be studied in packages.
It lead to creation of sections Why Project Management matters?, Benefits of each of our courses, Why University of Westminster, etc.
You can see the page via this link
Currently, the traffic to this page is driven by banner advertisement through search engines and social media.