Last days of Manchester

  • anisha bedesha

My name is Anisha (she/her) I've lived in Manchester the longest I have lived anywhere and it's where home is for me. Having done film photography for 10 years now, my favourite photos to take are portraits on the dance scene This particular project includes some of the last photos I took in Manchester before I had to retreat to the North East for a few months. It was really hard for me to leave Manchester as it's the first place I've truly made a home for myself. Some of these last photos I took show the vibrancy of the city and how the dance scene is thriving.

I think over the years I’ve defo perfected a good portrait of people. Trying to get good photos on film of people mid performance and dancing is also a challenge but I love being in the middle of it and capturing these moments.

I like the unpredictability of film, you’ll get light leaks, you’ll get discolouration and that’s all in the fun of a film camera
This photo is from Prestwich Pride who took me on as a photographer and I have loved working every event I have had the opportunity to with them.
When it comes to the technical side of things, for me it’s just taking the camera out and capturing what I think will end up looking good when it gets developed and trying to catch off guard moments as well as planned ones
I’ve always been inspired by Martin Parr and would love to move into more day to day portraits and lifestyle photography.

I think it’s important to capture these moments in life because when I look back at my collection it just brings me joy. All my photography can be found on @filmbyanisha on Instagram