Laundrapp Brand Re-Fresh

  • Angela Freeth

I was the in-house lead on the brand re-fresh for on-demand laundry and dry cleaning app, Laundrapp. Working with and Art Director and Copywriter from our sister agency Neon, we developed a new visual identity, tone of voice, colour palette and photography style. The brand went from safe, forgettable and functional, to full of life, bold and punchy. I implemented the new brand across all customer touch points, including across a new app, new website, social channels, external campaign and internal email marketing. Our work was featured in The Drum, Startup Magazine, Marketing Comm News, Decision Marketing and others.

I developed the storyboard and copy for this intro video which showcases the new brand. Working closely with a motion graphics designer, I provided the assets and feeback on sound, transitions and pace.
Application of the brand to the new website homepage. This included adapting the brand guidelines to include digital applications, such as guidance for ensuring text was visually accessible.
Application of the brand to the consumer apps.
Example of a new email template.