
  • Adilson Baptista
  • Eva Clarkson
  • Bridget Knowles
  • Mama Adam
  • Arsya Giri
  • Coconut-Girl Tuna
  • Miette Farrer
  • Katie Westwood
London College of Fashion has been teaching since 1906, before women won the right to vote. Our origins were three trade schools in east London and back then we taught girls as young as 12 industry skills such as dressmaking alongside school subjects such as mathematics.

Below Professor Frances Corner OBE, Head of London College of Fashion and Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of the Arts London discusses LCF celebrations for the centenary of women winning the votes, and our 2018 plans for LCF Year of the Woman.
Performance: Pussy Protest by Kelly Murray, MA Costume Design for Performance.
Pussy Protest celebrates mass women's protest, using costume to draw parallels between the Suffragettes and modern women fighting for equality. Militant Suffragettes used window breaking as a form of protest which here is used as a bridge between the movements of the past and the present.
The below images are taken by Emmi Hyyppa, a graduate of MA Fashion Photography, at the MA18 Costume Design for Performance show at Sadler's Wells in December 2017.
Panel: New Wave Feminist Publishing
As part of the celebrations LCF will be holding panel discussions throughout the year on relevant topics. The first was on New Wave Feminist Publishing and was part of the LCF MA18 School of Media and Communication exhibition at the Bargehouse, Oxo Tower in February 2018.
Chaired by Dr Agnès Rocamora who is Reader in Social and Cultural Studies at London College of Fashion, the panel included MA Fashion Journalism Graduate Annabelle Peacock who has produced Hot Sauce, an inclusive sex-positive erotic publication; LCF alumnus Elisabeth Krohn whose publication Sabat explores witchcraft and the sisterhood plus Yuki Haze & Erika Bowes of Sukeban which advocates for inclusivity within the fashion industry.