Lethally Her x Penny Mix: Get Money-Saving Savvy

This month we'll be delivering a personal finance series for you all, around savings with the help of Katie from @thepennymix

WEEK ONE of our Becoming Money-Saving Savvy in collaboration with @thepennymix Click this link to fill out our questionnaire! We wanna' find out what YOU (our amazing community) think about savings so we can help you achieve your money goals! Many of us gyals are constanting tryna' find excuses for why we aren't hitting our financial goals, why our savings aren't where they need to be, why we haven't started investing our money yet or looked at our pension. You may feel like you don't earn enough, your creative outlets are holding you back? Your 'essential' living costs are too high or you have too many debts. But this does NOT mean that you can't save ladies!! Although these factors can (obviously) have an impact on your ability to save - you also need to start looking INSIDE your BRAIN! Here is where we present to you: MONEY MINDSET This is the way we think & feel about money, based on our life experiences. Our thoughts often control our actions so having a negative money mindset can create a barrier to achieving your financial goals! Scroll across for our TOP 3 tips on how to transform your savings
1) Be mindful of your money mindset: First step babes - acknowledge any negative beliefs or feelings you hold about money! Negi thoughts are natural- but the best thing to do is acknowledge them, then work towards positive shifts. 2) Forgive your past self: There may be times in your life where you've handled money badly. It's easy to hold onto those negative experiences, you feel frustrated & angry that those things. Instead of looking at them as mistakes, look at them as learning experiences, opportunities to learn and make sure that those same things don't happen again in future!! 3) Focus on what is in your control: When our finances are not where we want them to be it's easy to blame others, but a lot of these things are out of our control and that worry is not going to change any of those situations and will instead leave you with a whole host of negative thoughts about money. Instead, focus on what you can control.