Leufroy Bushyfoot

  • Nicolas Monteiro Delgado Gomes

He is one of the very first Hobbit who arrived on the Middle Earth. At the beginning Hobbits were not living in the Shire, but in the forest with Elves. They sent several pathfinders across Middle Earth to find a suitable land they might call home. Unfortunately, none of them return. Except one, Leufroy. He lead his kind through wildness and danger for months, until they arrived in what would be later known as the Shire. After a few years of helping his people settle down, he left again to an other journey, which he will never return from. Nobody in the Shire never saw him again. Andhis name ended up forgotten. But what Hobbits still remember is that journeys are not a good idea. And far far away from the Shire, where some old Elves remain, some of them still remember this little guy, so small but so brave, the first one ever to ride a dragon. I drew him last year for a challenge and really enjoyed imagining him as one of the greatest adventurer of Middle Earth. Like a Hobbit, but so different from those we're used to, very adventurous, and fleeing the settle life. Hope you'll like it ! :)