Levo Event

  • Anita Idehen-Shasanya
Levo is reputable networking company that provides young professionals with resources to help them navigate and advance their careers. Levo grants its members digital access to mentors, a community of professionals, job postings and live chats with prominent business role models. In addition to its online community the group also operates 30 local chapters worldwide to help its users to connect to opportunities offline.

My work for the day was to work as a photographer and videographer providing 25-30 high quality images branding the publication by Levo throughout brand platforms including bot not limited to website, email, social media and marketing materials, 1-2 photo(s) of signage featuring Tresemme and Levo logos, multiple photos of attendees talking to each other, smiling having a great the overall interaction of others, 1-2 photos of Levo representatives and a photo of legal notice posting).


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