Life in South Korea amid coronavirus: ‘People are scared of being identified by emergency alerts’

  • Kimberley Dondo

I worry about South Korea’s new cases but am reassured by the Government’s past efforts

I’ve lived in South Korea for the last two years and walking its empty streets has become the new normal in these Covid-19 days. Along with constant emergency alerts, having my temperature taken in most public places, and wearing a mask.
South Korea is at the forefront of countries that are winning the battle against Covid-19. After the first few cases were reported in late January, the Government took swift action and recommended that citizens self-isolate, avoid crowds and meetings, work remotely, and join online religious services.
People seemed to listen as, in March, after the initial explosion of cases, daily cases fell from 900 to a mere 100. This can be linked to extensive testing and contact tracing as well as the Korean’s fear of troubling others (this is known as minpye).
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