List and I worked closely on a live audio and visual set, where they deconstructed 2 tracks into samples and reconstructed them in response to visuals that I had made which played over the performance. For the visuals, I used a number of found assets as well as videos taken from my Google Drive archive which touch on childhood memories and self-trauma. I wanted to lure the viewer into a false sense of security with the slower start, conjuring nostalgia and fondness towards the visuals displayed. However as the performance progressed, I continued to layer the visuals over themselves, in a feedback loop, with the speed steadily increasing, until the everyday life created in the footage became almost unbearable and at times scary. This paired well with List's audio pieces as we played off each other. Camera work and setup help by @nicovanhoen @voremipsum @novasdemise @JoeeLiuu Audio recording should be available soon