Local Food For Local People

  • Laura Hoy
Farm shops have become increasingly popular in recent years, aided by a more food-savvy and environmentally aware public, farmers looking to diversify and reconnect with the consumer and the odd food scare. 'Local' has become the loudest buzzword around food. According to the National Farmers Retail and Markets Association (FARMA), there are now around 4,000 farm shops in the UK with a growing turnover rates.
These shops range from glossy emporia to converted sheds with fridges full of home-produced meat and stacks of local grown fruit and veg, but the ethos is consistent; sustainability, seasonality, traceability, and low food miles.
More often than not food and drink farmed/produced locally is of a higher quality than the mass-produced supermarket food, giving the consumer fresher food that is really better value for money.
I implore people to buy local products for the simple fact that it gives you much more control over what your putting in your body. (We all remember 2013's house meat scandal!) Along with knowing where your food comes from and what is in it, you also support your local community, whether this be the farmers, producers and retailers.
The link will take you to my website where you can view my preferred final images and see a link to a pdf of the book I published. These show the key stops I made on my journey from farm to form with some of Hampshire's finest food and drink producers. Gaining an insight into the variety and quality of the local food and drink available in Hampshire and the people who are behind these wonderful products.
This is a project I would love to expand and continue as it is something that is forever changing and will always be relevant.