LockDance Music Video. This project is the result of being in lock down. The idea was born from wanting to show how music and dance unite us during this uncertain time. Sixteen dancers from around the world came together and shared their talent in order to create this dance piece. Credits: Song: Melov @pamelov / Maria @unamariamaria Produced and Directed by: David Maart @davidmaart @jdavidmaart Cinematographer: Matt Builes @mattbuiles Editor: Felipe González @fertopip Colour and effects: Matt Builes @mattbuiles Camera: Christian Foott @chrisfoott Frederico Rosa @fred_osa @fredrosaphotography Kevin Warren @k_m_w_1984 Javier Espinosa @ejavier2608 Dancers: Jodie Stubbings / @jodiestubbings Mateo Grajales / @mateograjalesv Kseniia Serykh / @ks.serykh Joelle Aeby / @jojo.vivi_ Valentina Ochoa / @jojo.vivi_ Mitsumi / @tasomincho Julián Rodríguez / @watermiku Susana Díaz / @susanadc95 Dylan / @dylanomahony24 Matilde / @matildetrondhjem Mario Glez / @marioglez_ Jaime Duque / @jotaduque Catarina Casqueiro / @catarinaclodecasqueiro Juan Pablo Obando / @pabblogs Maria Isabel / @mariaisabelaranda Joana Cardoso / @joanaacardosocoelho Megan Ford / @megg_ford_xxx