Lust of the Marid

  • Thomas Tuke

Here you shall find the ongoing work in progress for my side project; an Adventure-Fantasy tale of sensual, oriental flavour. Lust of the Marid is set in the fictional world of Nataraj. The Human Race is long extinct and Monster people live on. Vast histories intertwine as a select few wonder about the origins of their kind. Now, Evil Ghuls from the Human underworld is rising up from the grave to torment the living while a prophecy proclaims that creatures known as the Marids will one day be reborn in selected Natarajans and fight back. But myth, archaeology and fact seldom see eye to eye. With shady figures trifling with the unthinkable, it's a race against time for any would-be heroes to get to the bottom of the conspiracy before powers that were best left buried in the sands of time erupt forth and spiral out of control. -