Make food recycling universal!

  • Imogen Ward

This project is close to my heart, as someone who centres their way of life around environmental concerns! Food waste recycling is a hugely under-used resource and so the main focus of this project was to capture the attention of the public through humour and eye-catching illustrations! These illustrations then lead to a fictional website which has all of the relevant information. I wanted to use as many platforms as possible to reach the public, with billboard and bus posters, editorial illustrations, print media and an online quiz. It was important to me that all of these outlets remained playful and inspiring, without falling into the trap of shame and shock-factor statistics, which many environmental campaigns can fall into. I wanted to maintain a message of hope, and I personally hope to continue developing this project until it can be used for it's intended purpose!

Firstlly, I concentrated on creating seasonal content, that could be rolled out throughout the year. This billboards are used to simply get the public thinking and plant the seed of interest!
I also created editorial illustrations, to accompany articles that also carried this message of hope, as well as explaining how food waste recycling is an incredibly valuable resource! The first image is from an article that explains how one recycled banana skin can generate enough energy to charge your smart phone twice! (yes, really!) The second image is from an article explaining how to reduce food waste around the festive period!
I also created a really fun online quiz, inspired by the classic 'Buzzfeed quiz' format, this quiz is a "What recyclable food item are you?" and is designed to be an incredibly shareable way to spread information bit by bit!

Here's the link to the quiz :
Here are some more billboard examples, these involved more information that the seasonal designs, and are aimed more at tube advertisments, smaller posters, where commuters will have time and space to read them.
Finally, here is a double-page spread from my booklet about food-recycling, designed to be handed out to the general public at demonstrations!