Master thesis "the black panther — black community news service, for and by black people, a graphic matter" - 2021

  • Claire Zaniolo

Abstract: “Enter "black graphic designers" in a French search engine. You will find nothing but results related to the colour black as a medium or studios using the word black as a qualifier, excluding its sociological and political meaning. From my point of view as a black French graphic design student, I question the absence black creators in art school lectures. Meanwhile, in 2020, the question of the representation of the black body was raised through the media coverage of the Michel Zecler affair. I then questioned my role as a graphic designer: that of shaping, in the most accurate way possible, the world around me. Through the study of the Black Panther Party's press organ: The Black Panther — Black Community News Service, I open a personal investigation, drawing from the historical, the political and the sociological, on the production of works and graphic objects designed by Afro-descendants in countries where they are considered as minorities.”