Meet The Blue New Deal

  • Sam Atkinson

Discussing the sister legislation of the Green New Deal. Designed to redirect funding towards ocean-based climate solutions and conservation, the passing of the proposal would radically shift the scope on climate action. "Meet the Blue New Deal. Co-authored by Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Maggie Thompson, this plan includes comprehensive investment and protection for the coastal waters and communities of the United States. Originally designed for the Warren 2020 campaign, the proposal was a huge milestone for ocean conservation. Now, more than ever, it needs to be central to Joe Biden’s plan to tackle climate change. For many people, the ocean is the definition of ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind.’ For years, it has been left out of policy proposals to tackle the climate crisis and the few attempts that have been made to protect and restore our waterways have been pitifully under-funded. It’s time for change. Biden has a unique opportunity to influence the policy surrounding climate change for the next decade, he must centre ocean-based climate solutions." Read more -


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    Soul Talk Magazine
