Meliora Journal

  • Laura Saxton
Meliora* Journal:

*The pursuit of better

Meliora Journals are self-published, not-for-profit, multi-authored publications that explore the relationship between art and activism. Each publication is the outcome of a collaborative public workshop held at the London Action Resource Centre.

The workshops are separated into 3 collectives: political, social and environmental. They act to bring people together, including those who would not otherwise have met and therefore attempt to start a conversation, a think tank for change inspired by
public expression and community. The space is characterised by the power to connect and create to brainstorm ideas in order to explore new hopeful visions of society. Participants are encouraged to work in the medium they prefer.

The publications attempt to redefine activism to focus on creation, to promote the embodiment of change. They use creativity and imagination as powerful tools to
inspire action (however small). They don’t offer answers but suggest possibilities.