Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Symptoms of an unhealthy neck

  • Melva Mitchell Fort Worth

Melva Mitchell Gray talk about unhealthy neck - It would be easy to assume that neck problems cause neck pain..

Melva Mitchell But the problem is much bigger than that. The truth is that an unhealthy neck can cause a wide variety of symptoms and poor health. In many of them, it is not obvious that the neck is the CAUSE… Here are some of the problems caused by an unhealthy neck

Melva Mitchell Gray It's no wonder that headache sufferers around the world turn to chiropractors for help. The largest category of headache is called "cervicogenic"... Latin for "originating in the neck." This condition is much more likely if you have a loss of curve in your neck.

Melva Mitchell Forth Worth And yet, for most people, the only solution on offer is the regular use of painkillers, with all the long-term side effects. Some try massage or similar therapy, which usually helps by providing temporary relief. Many, many people who suffer from chronic headaches have lasting, life-changing improvements when they begin chiropractic care.