
  • Oliver Schilke

Everything on this planet is entangled in a mesh, living and nonliving. We are learning the hard way that everything is interconnected. Realising this interconnection shows us the darkness in ecology, revealing the cracks of the damage our planet is facing. If we listen attentively to the world’s soundscapes, we can capture the decimation of acoustic biodiversity due to human actions in the biosphere. Human noise, climate change and resource extraction are silencing the choirs of the biological and geological world that are fading in richness and complexity. It is our obligation to reduce the disrupting sounds of the anthropocene in order to preserve the organic and non-organic choruses on this planet. In Meshed, the movement and growth of two living organisms, human beings and the slime mold Physarum Polycephalum, create and manipulate an immersive spatialised soundscape. This casts a light and a darkness on the interconnectedness between seemingly separate entities. In turn this brings to mind the boundless mesh of coexistence between every single thing in our environment and how this modern network is causing the sonic lineage of millions of years of evolution to rapidly vanish.