Message From A Bottle - Sustainable Arts Hub.

  • Nathalie Kenning

The Sunbathing Building - Scarborough, U.K. The brief for ‘Message From A Bottle’ was to create a sustainable arts space that encourages eco-friendly art and design, using found local materials and the Scarborough seascape as inspiration.

Traditionally this site was a summer hotspot for locals and visitors from all over the UK, however over time the Sunbathing Building has been neglected and tourism to the area has decreased considerably.

Currently South Bay, in which the site is located, has a water quality classification of ‘Poor’ and the public are warned not to swim here, meaning Holiday-goers can’t enjoy this seaside like they used to.

One aim of this project was to encourage tourism back into the area, reminding people of the true beauty of the British seaside, whilst helping to tackle issues of beach and water pollution through art and design.

The space houses a series of studio’s for resident artists who all use found materials or their surroundings as inspiration for their work. The design has an exhibition space where resident artists can display and sell their work to the public. There’s also an external area where both resident and guest artists/designers can
provide interactive workshops to the public.

Admission to the classes and events hosted at the site can be discounted if visitors bring along recycling/ found materials that can be sorted and used. This provides incentive for people to come and take part whilst reducing waste and the costs for art materials.