Mist - Alcohol Vapour

  • Georgina Webb

Brandopus Chrysalis Brief - New mass - Market Alcohol Brand A new innovative alcohol has market brand based off the idea of alcohol vapour.

Design a new mass-market alcohol brand which presents an innovative product idea, targeted towards 18-24 year old's, in the 'ready to drink' category (varies between 0%.vol and 8%.vol in alcohol content).

A new method of consuming alcohol is becoming a subject of interest 'Alcohol Vapour'. It is designed to allow you to experience the fun parts of drinking while minimizing the negatives, for example the impurities, calories, or high blood sugar spikes related to the consumption of alcohol. The idea is that you can still have a great buzz all night but with a much lower risk of having a hangover the next day.

Mist is a new alcohol delivery system useing e-cigarette technology, in which consumers inhale alcohol comapred to the traditional method of drink alcohol.
Logo Design
The logo consists of a simplistic font with 's' resembling an abstract form of vapour. This main element is carried on into the packaging with the swirl around the Vapour stick being the same 's' in the logo.
Packaging Design
The product itself is based of an e-cigarette and a straw. The product works using a mechanism located at the top, which you pull up then bend (similar to a straw). This then enables you to vape from the product.
Once the consumer has pulled up the vape it will snap and start to glow. In which would glow (using glow stick technolog) for a period of time which is calculated with when the alcohol should have passed out of the inidvidual's system.

The vapour stick itself is able to bend and link up to create a wristband.
Poster Designs themselves have a photographical approach as to imatate the general alcohol market's visual language as to make it fit in and have the product itself stand out.