Morning Gloryville Brand Repositioning

  • Alexander Clark
  • Alice Peperell
Morning Gloryville is an immersive morning dance party bringing together an inclusive group of people participating in sober raving, yoga and meditation. Their aim is to boost morale and emotional wellbeing, providing a positive start to the day.
In 10 years times, MGV will be creating a family of physical products to compliment their current experiences. This will be in the form of portable products, which aim to help community members take a 10-15 minute from their day. These products will bring the ethos and atmosphere of Morning Gloryville events and encapsulate them into their daily routines. Products are focused on the six main points of well being.

The family of products will include the MGV app, which will connect members of the Morning Gloryville community to each other. The app will make it possible to not only connect users with the same product but users with other products in the family. Each product will have its own dedicated section within the app, which will enhance the use of the product through various functions.