Morning Moods

  • Sam White
  • Tal Dekel-Daks

Innovative PG Tips marketing campaign spreading ‘Morning Moods’ with GIPHY


Some mornings can be difficult (Monday we’re looking at you). Others can be awesome or simply meh.
Our challenge was to join the conversation around morning moods, and show people that whatever side of bed you wake up on, there’s a PG tips blend for them.


Our solution was to talk about moods through the emotional currency of the internet:funny GIFs.
To do this we put monkey to work to create a seemingly endless set of shareable assets which drive people back to a clear product message.
The timing was perfectly planned with Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, and iMessage, all integrating GIF keyboards into their functionality to make finding and sharing them even easier.
Picking up on this, we teamed up with GIPHY who power all these platforms with GIFs, and by keeping the content authentic and branding subtle they were trended by GIPHY (thanks guys) making sure our knitted ambassador appeared first when anyone felt calm, dissapointed or sassy.


Once we’d let these out in the world, we wanted to use them to speak to people on Twitter with our distinct tone of voice.
Alongside promoted posts and Twitter Moments, every morning we went deeper than just social listening. We had a team of writers trawling Twitter and giving super responsive replies to people reacting to how they were feeling, along with a funny GIF of course.
The levels of interaction were incredibly funny! Fans and celebrities were quick to embrace our content, with names such as Rudimental, Edith Bowman, Lauren Pope, Sarah Millican, and even the anchors of Good Morning Britain to name but a few all authentically engaging with the campaign.


Who needs a trojan horse when you’ve got a Monkey?
By keeping everything we did authentic, timely and humorous we saw an unprecedented amount of interaction with our campaign.
We helped people sum up how they were feeling and our content was readily shared by an often brand averse audience. This meant for a modest budget we didn’t just join the morning conversation, but totally owned it.
22.5 million organic views on Giphy
People using them to express how they feel
More results to follow.