• melissa benton-aggrey

I partnered up with a photographer (@Korayhussein on IG), and pitched a few ideas of images I’d like to excute! I came with all my clothes and accessories and hair tools, did my own makeup and hair to get this done! As a visual thinker, and someone who has synesthesia, I have only seen the world as art! I’ve only understood the world through the association of things to feelings! I have mastered that bridge in creating what I see and translating it into something tangible. This communication between the image’s message and the viewers understanding is bridged. I loved this moody vibe, with the unruly hair! To me this photo offers a duality of fearlessness yet fearfulness. It’s exposed but so guarded! Through venturing into my creative voice, I’ve found that duality and balance is a common factor in my interests! I’m fascinated by displaying duality not in an obnoxious way but through the essence in the image! Contact me to create! Join the CREATIVE COMMUNITY for ALTER/IDEM magazine!