Mozilla Festival 2017 - Humans of the Internet

  • Jedi Adagun
  • Joe Durr
  • Vilde Røsjø Tobiassen
This was the winning idea for a collaboration with Mozilla for the StoryEngine space at the 2017 Mozilla Festival. The brief was to create a promotional plan to get people involved with the space, as well as design the physical design and marketing assets. I worked with another student, and they came up with the idea of Humans of the Internet, where each person who does an interview during the festival gets an unique avatar made based off themselves, they also created the physical booths and way-finding around the building. The avatars were made in by me sitting down and illusrating each person that had a intervview. The project was extremely successful, doubling the amount of interviews they were expecting across the weekend, and Mozilla called it "the best student collaboration we've done"