Museum of Ideas

  • Beth Xia

A branding project at university. Given the name Museum of Ideas, we were asked to decide the visual look and feel as well as what exhibits are to be included and how they will be represented.

The Museum of Ideas is branded as the ‘clash of great thoughts’. It is about how thinkers influence each other and agree or disagree with each other.
The museum is a small 2-floor building with 5 exhibitions at a time, each lasting for 3 months. Every exhibition is about two great thinkers, focusing on one topic. For example, the ‘Space and Gravity’ exhibition is about Newton and Einstein’s view on the topic. Visitors walk through the life of Newton and Einstein, then come to a small room where the two thinkers are put together and compared. A short film of the thinkers talking to each other will be played on a video wall.