
  • Monika Ewa Piotras

Zine created by young creators for young creators! We're looking for contributors for the first issue focusing around 'BEGGINGS'. What was your first job in the industry like? What was your first year at university like? What was the first publication and how you got it? What made you want to pursue poetry/animation/illustration? Who is an inspiring figure to you? Tell us about all your first times in the art sector! We want to be a safe space where young creators can comfortably talk about their experience entering the world of art and creativity. We want to be inspired by you and inspire you! Be a part of something new, something great, something inspiring! We're accepting: articles, reviews, short stories, poetry, illustrations, animations, films, photographs, pictures of your art work! Submit today sending us your work at: If you have any questions - get in touch!