Nationwide Degree Show: The Jelly Curation

  • Imogen Crossland
  • Yve Slater
  • Claudia Melton
  • darius moldo
  • chris page

The Nationwide Degree Show is a collection of work from art & design students, who's final year shows have been cancelled due to COVID19. What started as an initiative by Fresh Meet to plaster billboards across the UK with student work, has now resulted in an online collection of over 1000 submissions from over 100 universities and 17 creative disciplines. The Curation Series is a programme of student work selected by industry leaders, creative pioneers and trendsetters. Below you will find a selection of student work curated by Jelly, the renowned animation and illustration agency based in London.

Jelly London is a company built on creativity. From Tishk Barzanji to Kelly Anna, Jelly represent and manage some of the best and freshest global creative talent in the world. On top of that, Jelly are an award winning production company, working with clients such as Game of Thrones, Ketel One Vodka and Coca-Cola.
Chris Page, Owner of Jelly, and Sue Loughlin, Executive Producer, have scoured through the submissions, identifying the best talent across illustration and animation, to bring you this curation.

#1 - Aleksandra Legiec

The first selection kicking things off is this illustration piece by Aleksandra Legiec.
On this, Chris says "Brave and effective renditions of the subject matter which effectively transmit the brave necessity of the project. Painstaking."
Aleksandra Legiec, BA Graphic Communication, Bath Spa University.
Aleksandra writes "These illustrations is a part of my project which raises the awareness of body shaming. Each illustration is created out of thousands of dots drawn by hand".

#2 - Imogen Crossland

The second piece in this selection is an illustration by graduate Imogen Crossland.
Chris says "Lovely impression of depth, alongside a nice dynamic composition, kind of joyful!"
Imogen Crossland, BA Illustration, University of Brighton.
Imogen explains "This piece is from a project exploring the Italian's response to Covid-19 Quarantine"

#3 - Beth Cockcroft

The next piece chosen for this curation is an illustration by Beth Cockcroft.
Chris writes "Nicely rendered and brilliantly put together. Captures the poignancy of the message perfectly."

Beth Cockcroft, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Beth explains "I decided to centre my final project initially on mental health/wellbeing, and ended up focussing on how our relationship with inanimate objects can provide reassurance and comfort. A lot of us form sentimental or intimate bonds with our things, and I wanted to explore how perhaps this could ease feelings of anxiety/stress; e.g. comfort objects, sentimental objects, how some of us find ourselves talking to our things".

#4 - Gvidas Pakarklis

The fourth selection for the Jelly Curation is this illustrative piece by Gvidas Pakarklis.
On this Chris says "Lovely mix of colour, composition and technique here, I like the way it mixes different eras in its imagery as well."
Gvidas Pakarklis, BA Illustration, Falmouth University.
Gvidas says "The illustration is a personal interpretation of the essay 'Striptease', taken from the book 'Mythologies', written by Roland Barthes. The image was printed using a risograph together with the essay on the other side of the page."

#5 - Ellen-Mae Parker

The fifth selection is an illustration by graduate Ellen-Mae Parker.
Chris writes "This is great. Simple images that have been elevated by clean lines and a clever use of colour."
Ellen-Mae Parker, BA Illustration, Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University.
Ellen writes "Just before the lockdown was announced I moved back home with my parents because I was afraid I would be trapped in university halls alone. I had to suddenly face that I would never return to uni, experience my degree show or graduate as I had imagined since the beginning of my Illustration degree. I was overwhelmed by the bigger picture of the world, so I turned to reportage work and focussed on my day-to-day, documenting  small moments. I intentionally used a bright colour palette to share something positive on social media, hoping it may lift spirits. It was important for me to seek comfort in making this work whilst I was processing so much change. These drawings were originally part of a sequential comic, but here I have montaged a handful together into one composition."

#6 - Olivia McEwan-Hill

The sixth selection for this curation is by graduate Olivia McEwan-Hill.
Chris writes "I love the strength of the figure drawing here, alongside the simple colouring of the environment and the contrast of geometric pattern on the body - really nice."
Olivia McEwan-Hill, BA Illustration, Leeds Arts University.
Olivia writes "This image comes from a collection of work exploring the use of narrative through symbol, colour and pattern. Lots of my research for this project explored the importance of folklore and fables in creating culturally rich experiences through story telling; promoting a sense of community and an intrinsic connection with the Earth."

#7 - Rosa Kusabbi

The next spot in the curation goes to illustration graduate Rosa Kusabbi.
Chris explains "Great, vibrant combination of figure work, composition and colour here. Strong."
Rosa Kusabbi, Liverpool John Moores University.
Rosa writes "The whole project was about female punk bands and how they influenced women in music and other creative professions to pursue their dreams. This particular piece focuses on protest and the dr marten boot as it was a symbol for the punk movement."

#8 - Zoe Scott

The eighth spot in the Jelly Curation is taken by graduate illustrator Zoe Scott.
Chris says "Cleverly done and a very effective use of the medium to tell a simple but important story."
Zoe Scott, Liverpool John Moores University.
Zoe explains "Thread Heads is a video that connects the complicated goings on of many individual minds, to highlight the differences but also the prominence of mental health. A cross section of what might be going on in someones head and how that can change over time. The book is made up of the developments and changes that occurred along the way."

#9 - Yve Slater

The next selected piece for this curation is a piece by graduate illustrator Yve Slater.
Chris explains "I immediately want to read/see more of this story, I really like the atmosphere that is rendered simply in this line work".
Yve Slater, Illustration with Animation, Manchester School of Art.
Yve explains "In 1995, a fruit and veg stall opened on a crumpled sidewalk, in a busy city centre. Local produce for local people. Today, it competes with supermarkets, take-aways, vending machines and apps. This their story."

#10 - Joshua Donkor

The tenth piece selected by Chris is this familial piece by graduate Joshua Donkor.
Chris writes "A great group portrait! I love the way that the faces are rendered in a way that immediately gives you a sense of the individual characters of the subjects."
Joshua Donkor, BA Illustration, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Joshua explains "This painting is an exploration of me and my family's connection to Ghana across three different time periods. My Father's childhood growing up in Ghana, my Mother's experiences working as a VSO in Ghana during the 70's and my own visits back to Ghana. It is designed to question how time affects our connection with our places of origin and the impact this has on our identities."

#11 - Claudia Melton

The next piece for this curation is an animation by graduate Claudia Melton.
Sue writes "Great sound - some lovely observational work in this short film. Animation itself done in spontaneous sketchbook style: Charming."
Claudia's film can be watched here.
Claudia Melton, Illustration and Animation, Anglia Ruskin University.
Claudia explains, "Nowt Queer as Folk is an animated short about a northern family being documented, and a cameraman struggling to break through. It explores being an outsider, and fearing judgement from outsiders".

#12 - Charis Dussek

The next selected piece for this curation is an animation by graduate Charis Dussek.
Sue puts forward that there's "Lots and lots of promise here."

Charis' film can be watched here.
Charis Dussek, BA Animation, Nottingham Trent University.
Charis explains that this is "A still from my short animated film "Trapeze", the story of a clumsy clown who dreams of being a graceful trapeze artist. He overcomes his fear to realise his dream, but not without his fair share of obstacles!"

#13 - Eoin Monaghan

The lucky thirteenth selection for this curation is animation graduate Eoin Monaghan.
Sue writes that this is a "Well-realised CG Image, some great work - looks like it could be an interesting story."

Eoin Monaghan, University of Ulster, Belfast.
Eoin says "My animation is a silent, succinct, short film of a boy kidnapped from his family in a small rural village on the outskirts of a savanna. Focusing mainly on the boy, I wanted to portray a story of freedom and innocence, cut with an abrupt abduction into a life of captivity and war. I'm using my skills in animation to shed some light on this under-reported, global calamity."

#14 - Molly Whitt

The penultimate selection for this curation piece is by graduate animator Molly Whitt.
Sue says "From Reel to Modelling Stills. I'd lie to see more, some great modelling".

Molly Whitt, BA Animation, Nottingham Trent University.
Molly writes "This is a close up shot of a scene from my third year Look Development Project."

#15 - Ellen Gordon

Lastly, the final selection for the Jelly Curation is by animation graduate Ellen Gordon.
Sue writes "Good CG animation with some great characterisation."
You can view Ellen's animation here.
Ellen Gordon, BA Animation, Nottingham Trent University.
Ellen writes "A short animated film: Polaris. When Ursa Minor falls out of the sky, he must embark on an adventure to get back home - with the help of a new friend."
You can find more talent from all of our submissions to the Nationwide Degree Show or through the Fresh Meet profile.
You can also visit the artists of this curation in the project credits below.

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