'NBA Posters'

  • Lore Adekeye

I've been working on creating Sports Concept Poster for NBA Basketball Players. It's a project that I'm most definitely going to add to over time as these concepts have been a lot of fun to make. My main aim with these posters is to focus on simplicity. A lot of the industry-standard posters that I've seen are generally straightforward; not too many images or elements are included yet in spite of that, it allows the poster to look really clean and precise by ensuring each of the elements stands out. The challenges with creating these posters specifically for me was image placement and image quality. Sourcing great quality images can be a bit tricky as it's not only to do with the image quality itself but also the positioning of the figure i.e. which direction their standing/dribbling in. Besides that, as mentioned before these posters have been fun to make and I look to make more going forward. I am also available for freelance work. I specialise in Sports Posters and in Music Cover Art. If you would like more information please send an email to my business email address: elvnstudiosuk@gmail.com I will respond as soon as possible. Let me know what you think of the posters!