Neat Streets - Trashconverters

  • Grace Clark

This project was a collaboration with Hubbub, Dame Kelly Holmes Trust and Lucozade Ribena Suntory. 'everything in colour' were hired to design and make costumes for actors to wear in order to realise the initial ideas suggested by the youth group we were working with. Their idea was a human vending machine and upon discussion with them and the collaborators we made the Naked Binmen suits... We all want clean and safe spaces around us. Public polling shows that a staggering 86% of people think littering is a disgusting habit yet only 15% of us would actually confront someone and tell them that. Dealing with litter costs tax payers around £850 million a year and litter levels have not dropped over the last 12 years. The Neat Streets campaign experiments with new ways to cut litter, using the latest behaviour change research and thinking from around the world. From flash-mobs to talking bins and from naked bin men to chewing gum art, we tested many different playful ways to reduce litter on London’s second busiest street. Littering a night is a messy issue, especially fast food packaging and drinks bottles. We worked with creative minds at the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust and Lucozade Ribena Suntory to design a way of tackling this issue. After putting ourselves in the mindset of people on a night out we came up with ... The Naked Binmen Trashconverters. Actors dressed as Naked Binmen headed out to the streets and converted people's trash for gifts, or things they may need on a night out. Gifts included things like chewing gum, water, plasters, flip flops and heat blankets.