Newcastle college Final degree show poster

  • steven wilson

Near the end of the college year the lecturers wanted a poster design created for the final show at the assembly house in Newcastle. So I decided to create a few versions the but in the end after working with the lectuers at college which were Phil and Sarah. The final concept was based around the idea of growth because before the wave goes through the isometric frame it is small but after it comes out it is bigger to represent learning and gaining new skills. I decided to have the waveform go through a isometric frame to make the design more dynamic and to lead the viewers eye to the key information at the bottom of the page

This was my first poster concept which I created in Illustrator. The design was inspired by a Hans Arp poster. I decided on the word 'curiosity' because it was a word from the Colleges mission statement that stood out to me.After getting feeback from my lecturer I made many concepts.
This is a close up of the posters. I think the wave and frame help draw attention to the information at the bottom of the poster. Overall this is one of my favourite designs that I have done this year.
This was the my final poster design which I created in Adobe illustrator. I decided to make the wave go through a frame after getting advice from my lecturer. The reason for using blue and green is because they complement each other.
This is an example of the nameplates used at the exhibtion. These nameplates use the waveform and colours from the poster design.
This was how the interior of the gallery looked. I think the final design works well and is effective.