Nightshade - BrandOpus Hatch Brief Final Submission

  • Tyler Andrews

Feedback: After I got shortlisted for the final 15, I had the opportunity to get feedback on my cider brand from one of the graphic designers that work for BrandOpus themselves. Here is what they said could be improved. - The hierarchy of my bottles could be arranged differently for a better way to make Spike the main feature and so the flavours are easier to read. - ‘Spike’ looks too fleshy being so brightly pink, so an adjustment on his colours are needed to really bring out the evil and poisonous idea I have within him. - The colours of the bottles themselves look too much like soft drinks, also think about I could change them to also bring out its strong poison.

Here is the new designs for the pub range of Nightshade! Dark contrasting colour around evil Spike, and where the flavour needs to be shown, the shade fades away making it more visible.
I decided to stop including just the logo so much in my advertisement, and give Spike his own voice to engagethe public into what they are looking at.
A draft pump I feel really brings this brand to life and in its proper atmosphere its supposed to be in. Each pump has its own flavour which you can also see on the glass bottles.
Just like the first submission, if you have any questions or want to get to know me or my thought process of my work, please don't hesitate to get in touch.