Non è un gioco da ragazze - When gender, nutrition and toys meet

  • Nadia Conti
This is the final major project "Non è un gioco da ragazze", realized at Politecnico di Milano in 2015. The project’s aim is to show, through different media and artworks, how toys related to food communicate gender stereotypes, in order to raise critical awareness about the issue. After a deepened research, we have found out these toys change their target in relation to its age: they pass to be unisex and suitable for boys and girls, to be unevoquically girlish.

The first part of work consisted in analyzing a sample of toys, with the aim of collecting meaningful data. The data collected has been organised in infographics.
The second artwork is a motion graphic that explains how toys change in time, spreading gender stereotypes. The video’s goal is to raise the audience awareness about this problem.
The third part of the project stands up against stereotypes, making people aware that children grow up with this kind of models and accept them as normal. To support a lasting change in the audience's behaviour , we designed a poster and flyer that can be assembled to create a little stove. It is completely white, in order to make both boys and girls free to paint and to decorate it as they want, avoiding the genderized visual codes occurring in the market nowadays.