Side Hustle/ T-shirt Design

Notting Hill Carnival - Graphic Tees

  • Gianni Bolemole

For the past 3 years, I've designed and printed graphic t-shirt under the PSLDN imprint, to celebrate Europe's largest street festival.

Year: 2016
Reference: Trumpets and steel pans used during carnival
Year: 2017
Reference: 2016's design evolved to incorporate the Trinidad & Tobago flag (where it all started) and to make PSLDN more prominent
Year: 2018
Reference: Amidst media concerns for 'safety' and talks of shutting down the carnival, the fist represents the people's protest ("You've gotta fight for your right to party").
Year: 2019
Reference: Carnival 2019 brought with it a sensational heatwave which set the city alive. The energy was palpable throughout the summer and I chose to focus on that. The tropical bird was the crowning icon, reminiscent of the colourful feathers worn by the dancers.