
  • Deon Cresswell

The main purpose of this project was to improve the accessibility of gaming to all users hence removing the barriers faced by the visually impaired; they can enjoy games that provide a unique interaction within the system (game project) and most importantly the sound which will guide them through. The plan based on the conducted past research was to have a game that would support the user in terms of sound and finding present solutions for problems from past games where the impaired user would either find the game too complicated, frustrating or just unplayable. From investigating how an impaired user interacts with computer games, this segment has introduced the given setting of consoles and other items, going way back to the Atari and maybe even before. These components have given enough knowledge of how the user would interact with computer games in this current society.

The Story 

The game idea is called Olympus Bring Me Home.  A man is lost through sleep walking and travels aimlessly through Mount Olympus in Greece, your objective is to guide the man home, back down to Athens. The mountain is infested with demons that have been summoned by Hades and they now patrol the area. The man is best friends with Hercules, but Hades does not like any relationships with his enemy and wants him to suffer. The player can progress by listening to the sounds that are linked to each hazard or an instruction. During gameplay the player would press the arrow keys, for example, move forward or backwards, this enables the character to progress, avoid obstacles and enemies in the game.