Online Vintage Clothing site - set up overseas

  • Conor Malik Flynn
At the age of 19 & within 6 months of moving to France, I launched an online vintage clothing site – sourcing high end brands locally and focusing on sales to the UK. I have since successfully expanded the site to include a music platform. In just over 3 years, the site has enjoyed over £90,000 worth of sales I successfully identified my target market & working solely; set up the site domain, created the website script & developed the branded aesthetic of the site The branding & publication of the site was a major challenge & provided me with crucial insight into the language used, content style and promotional photography skills required to create an attractive website, to provide the customer with all the relevant information & drive sales My site has been operating at a profit since inception, demonstrating my business literacy &numeracy. I have successfully managed my balance expenditure & the cost of developing the business I am solely responsible for ensuring all social media and the site alike are kept active & updated on stock and promotion activity with new material needed on an daily basis I have effectively built up my client base. My site now has 10,300 followers on Facebook with Instagram & depop having a handful of thousands each also Following two successful years of the site, I introduced a music platform which has grown to just over 1,600 followers and over 300,000 plays as the music can be downloaded and played on the site and fully integrated into the shopping experience I had hoped to achieve. Well versed in direct marketing & communications, having liased with music artists & their record labels platform form around the world0 managing to overcome language barriers effectively Continually creative thinking in order to encourage year on year growth including promotional stickers being distributed at major UK universities & wholesale orders becoming available to select stores in the UK Responding to a high level of demand, I have sourced new suppliers from Europe & Asia concentraing on ensuring authenticity of the high end brands purchases such as Versace, Prada, D&G, Fendi as well Burberry, Moncler, Ralph Lauren Polo, Tommy Hilfiger amongst others. I have successfully dealt with the logistical issues faces by all online companies. I ensure package are sent out & delivered in an timely manner across seas, dealing with courier companies & postal issues to ensure customer satisfaction and encourage repeat sales.