• Nair Xavier
Spring/Summer 2015

“Orchids are beautiful and delicate. They seem almost to be the anti flower with their geometric shapes the antithesis of the soft, rounded curves of more common flowers. It is this very unusual quality that makes them so exotic and desirable.” (http://orchidcrazeme.blogspot.pt, 2014)
There are more than 20.000 orchid species in the world.
‘Orchidarium’ is the anatomical interpretation of the orchids, reconstructed and adapted to modern contemporary menswear.
The 1929 film ‘Wild Orchids’ grants a reference to style and aesthetic. This collection matches the classic and the sportswear bringing back the roaring 20’s to the present day.
Vibrant and warm colours such as emerald-green, mustard, Bordeaux, and elegant pastel tones such as lilac, pearl and nude complete the colour palette in a blend of natural and technologic materials.