Osterley House - The National Trust

  • gil potter

This was a competition I entered to design an exhibit to go in the basement gallery in Osterley House, requiring that participants come up with a design that explored the building’s architect Robert Adams and his impact on the structures transformation. I responded by designing a concept that involved filming a series of illustrators drawing and painting various rooms in the house on a large scale and then project this process sped up on the walls of the gallery. The viewers could then enjoy watching the rooms come together, taking in the motifs and styles that weave their way through the building, bolstered by small passages of text explaining various design and historic elements. I did the first illustration of the main entrance hall myself to provide an idea of what the concept could look like. Each illustration would feature its own colour pallete based on its room and help display the variety styles that Adams implemented around the structure. The concept went down very well and lead to me winning the competition and my design being used in the creation of the final exhibition.