OUTSIDER Exhibition

  • Elisa Rustemi

This was an investigative project with the aim of finding out the stories and experiences that Polish citizens have experienced whilst living in the UK. From the interview content, I created an exhibition to showcase the stories and try to help people see the impact their words and actions can have on others and make them more aware of their actions.

I come from a multicultural background and now live in the UK as a migrant from Europe, I’m very proud of my cultural background and where I come from but it hasn’t always been like this. Living in a different country, one can start to feel out of place. From the name of the project to concept and the colour scheme. Using a variety of colour schemes would contribute to the idea and aim of the identity. I’ll be using 8 different colour schemes, one for each of the interviewees that took part in the project.
As this project is based all around people, society and culture, I wanted to embrace this idea and find other ways in trying to present an identity with this deeper meaning behind it, give it a connection to the project. All the content from the project comes from the people I interviewed. This whole project derived from people. So, I chose to represent people through a frequency chart/ tally chart style and play around with the lines from these, using that as the idea for the identity, the lines representing people.
If you want to check out some more images of this project, you can just head over to my portfolio website through this link:
