Ozone Coffee Roasters x Sophie Mo

  • Sophie Mo

This year the Christmas Blend is made up of three incredible fresh crop coffees from Brazil, Kenya and Guatemala that gives this blend a dense chocolaty body, intense sweetness and lemon/spice flavors.

Being a limited edition blend allowed the roasting team to source these high end coffees with only small quantities available. In particular, Guatemala El Eden which Ozone has formed a close relationship with after visiting the farm earlier this year.

The snowflake design was produced in conjunction with London based Illustrator & mixed media artist Sophie Mo. Studying Illustration & Visual Communication at the University of Westminster, Sophie is also one of the Ozone Coffee Roasters team based at our Shoreditch Cafe.

For more of Sophie’s creative work check out @sophiemoillustration on Instagram or sophiemoillustration.com"



"Inspired by the creative surrounding of Shoreditch, we have decided to reach out to all you talented artists out there to submit your best work. The winning entries will then be featured on our limited edition OCR merchandise. This line of clothing and tote bags will be launched at the London Coffee Festival (30 April - 03 May).
Your work will be seen over the 4 day event, with over 20,000 people attending.

We are looking for up to 4 different designs so please feel free to submit as many as you like.
Design should be based on one or more of the design themes and be submitted in black and white:

Brew Coffee Methods (i.e. Syphon, V60, Aeropress, Chemex etc.)
Artists are encouraged to be witty, creative and think outside the box."