P3rspectives magazine - Editor

  • Laura Gavin

P3 Charity's biannual magazine, amplifying the voices/stories of people who have been homeless or socially excluded, and raising awareness of the charity's work across the UK. A mix of interviews, opinion pieces and articles written by myself and commissioned from frontline staff and people the charity supports, edited for publication on web and in print. https://www.p3charity.org/contact-us/p3rspectives-magazine

Extract, Issue 2:

Janina, a resident at P3’s Eaton Court supported accommodation in Cheshire, tells us how an autism diagnosis and the right support helped her turn her life around.

"The staff just treat you like, you’re not homeless, and you’re not autistic, you’re just you. It’s a really nice feeling.

"I’m ready to move on from here and I’m moving on to become such a strong person. I’ve taken positive action from my negative experiences and I’ve turned it around. They can’t do it all for us, we’ve got to help ourselves. The change started with me, I think. But I’ll never forget Eaton Court and how it made me feel like I was worthwhile, and that I have got a future."