This brief aimed to create content to launch some new running trail products for the Pro:Direct Running online platform and socials. We had a huge amount of trail running shoes to shoot and so not to waste time or resources we decided to shoot them both on the same day but in two separate locations to give them a sense of difference between the two phases. I planned the shoot by deciding what two locations to use, organising all the products and creating a shot list to then brief into photography. Myself and photographer Adam Hutt set off to shoot the products, on this shoot I was creative directing the photographer and finding places that the shoes would look their best and putting them into position ready to be shot. Once the images were all shot they were then processed, retouched and then I was able to use them to create the artwork for all of the different PD platforms. All of the imagery came out really well and the team was hugely pleased as there was so much content to be used. I created bb’s, tabs and banners for the Running site along with feed posts and stories for both the trail phases. Below you can see the two phases, site artwork and social requirements. This was a hugely rewarding project as I was able to own this brief from start to finish and create a huge amount of content that would be spread over all of PDR platforms. I was very confident with my creative direction for this project and my skills to create the design requirements.