Pedrino Spritz Website

  • Laura La

My Role: designer and creator. The Brand: Pedrino Spritz is a trio of ready to drink, low abv spritzers, made from fortified wine and artisanal tonic water. The brand encompasses a Mediterranean Chic lifestyle. Objectives: - To create a website that clearly illustrates the Pedrino Spritz brand and products available. - For users to click through to external e-commerce platforms to purchase product. The How: - I optimised UX by designing and creating a: desktop, tablet and mobile versions of the website. - I implemented a rewarding SEO strategy, through schema markup, affiliate marketing, keywords and optimising website speed. The website is now ranking 1st for both Pedrino and Pedrino Spritz on Google, along with all spritz cocktail recipes ranking on Google with a star rating. - Using Google Analytics, Google Business Manager, Google Search Console, SEMrush and GTMetrix I have created reports so I can review how users are interacting with and discovering the website. I also use this data to optimise website speed. - All links on the website are tracked in customised reports I have created on Google Analytics so I can review: audience, page visitors, page views, affiliate links, social media clicks and shop online clicks. Website: