Pick-me-up Boxes

  • Nicole McHugh

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, I designed and created a resolution to help with the struggles faced during lockdown. I created a brand that delivers boxes filled with items that combat boredom, lower self-esteem, and boosts peoples’ spirits. My brand ‘Little Moments’ is aimed at 16-25 year old females and intended as personal treats and also for gifting. Little Moments provides ‘Set Savior’ boxes, each with a different persona attached to it, as well as personalised boxes that are perfect for sending to your friend and lifting their spirit during lockdown. My brand is determined to help the community during these tough times, so for every box purchased, consumers can opt in to give a box to someone vulnerable. A friend, relative, or a vulnerable member of the street; whomever the consumer chooses will receive a personalised box for that someone with one item inside. They then add another item and pass it on and so fourth until the box is filled and then delivered to the chosen individual.